One is Too Many: Ending Child Deaths from Pneumonia and Diarrhoea
For most children around the world, pneumonia and diarrhoea are easily prevented and managed illnesses with simple and effective interventions that are rarely life threatening. However, not all children are so fortunate. This report describes the face of current pneumonia and diarrhoea-related mortality and illustrates the startling divide between those being reached and the abundant number of children left behind, which threatens sustainable development for the world’s poorest nations.
Full report (EN) | Brochure (EN) | Brochure (FR) | Brochure (AR) | Excutive Summary (FR) | Brochure (SP) | Executive Summary (SP)
Pneumonia Care-seeking Interactive Dashboard
The interactive dashboard on pneumonia careseeking shows that in most countries, children from the poorest households and those from rural areas are much less likely than their peers to get the life-saving treatment they need.

World Pneumonia Day 2015 Infographic
Pneumonia is the deadliest childhood disease. This infographic, published for World Pneumonia Day 2015, presents key statistics on pneumonia prevalence, coverage, interventions and solutions.

Ending Preventable Child Deaths from Pneumonia and Diarrhoea by 2025

Pneumonia and diarrhoea: Tackling the deadliest diseases for the world’s poorest children
This report makes a remarkable and compelling argument for tackling two of the leading killers of children under age 5: pneumonia and diarrhoea.